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Can Diabetics Eat Tamales?

Tamales are one of many foods that can seem off-limits to diabetes. And while many parts of traditionally made tamales make them a very diabetic-unfriendly food, you can make many adjustments to become healthier.


Can Diabetics Eat Tomato Sauce?

As long as tomatoes stay away from pre-made brands with added sugar and salt, there’s no reason that diabetics shouldn’t enjoy them along with everyone else.


Are Fig Newtons Good for Diabetics?

Fig Newtons are a better snack choice than other cookie varieties due to their low-calorie content. If eaten in moderation and combined with a protein source, fig newtons can be an ideal snack for those with diabetes.


Can Type 2 Diabetes Cause Hair Loss?

Diabetes is one of the factors that may cause hair loss. Fortunately, if diabetes is properly managed and controlled, hair loss from diabetes can be reversed or at least stopped.


Are Grits OK for Type 2 Diabetes?

Grits are a high-carb food with a high GI rating. Nonetheless, it’s still possible for type 2 diabetics to have grits from time to time if they make adjustments for them.


Can Type 2 Diabetes Turn into Type 1?

Type 2 diabetes cannot turn into type 1 diabetes, but it can progress over time and become more challenging to control, leading to the need for insulin treatment.


How to Gain Weight with Type 1 Diabetes?

Gaining extra pounds with T1D is challenging but possible. One needs to have proper strategies and mindset for that. As T1D patients, we should work with a doctor and a dietitian to get a diet plan specific to our needs.


Can Type 1 Diabetic Donate Plasma?

If you have diabetes, you may wonder if you can fit into the blood donation category. Here’s how to determine if you can donate blood or plasma.

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