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Is There a Smartwatch that Monitors Blood Sugar?

Testing our blood sugar is miserable: we have to prick our fingers several times a day or stick a CGM sensor into our abdomen.

We may ask: is there a non-invasive device (such as a smartwatch) that monitors our blood sugar?

In this article, we will have a look.

Technologies Applied in Current Glucose Monitoring

Various technologies are applied in current glucose monitoring, catering to different needs and preferences. Here’s a brief overview of some common technologies:

Blood Glucose Meters (Electrochemistry):

  • Technology: Electrochemical blood glucose meters use test strips with electrodes to measure the electrical current generated when glucose in a blood sample reacts with enzymes on the strip.
  • How it Works: A small blood sample is applied to a test strip, and the strip is inserted into the meter. The electrochemical reaction produces a measurable current, and the meter displays the blood glucose level.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM):

  • Technology: CGM systems use a small sensor inserted under the skin to continuously monitor interstitial fluid glucose levels.
  • How it Works: The sensor measures glucose levels in the tissue fluid every few minutes. The data is sent to a monitor or smartphone, providing real-time and historical glucose trends. CGM is particularly valuable for people who require frequent glucose monitoring or those with fluctuating glucose levels.

Flash Glucose Monitoring:

  • Technology: Similar to CGM, flash glucose monitoring uses a sensor placed under the skin.
  • How it Works: Users can obtain glucose readings by scanning the sensor with a dedicated reader or a smartphone app. Unlike CGM, it doesn’t provide continuous real-time data but rather stores the glucose readings for on-demand scanning.

Photoacoustic and Photothermal Techniques (Photochemistry):

  • Technology: Emerging technologies like photoacoustic and photothermal techniques involve using light to detect glucose levels.
  • How it Works: These methods utilize the interaction of light with glucose molecules to produce acoustic or thermal signals. By measuring the generated signals, glucose levels can be estimated.

Smart Insulin Pens and Insulin Pumps:

  • Technology: Modern insulin pens and pumps often include smart features and connectivity.
  • How it Works: Some insulin delivery devices can record insulin doses and sync the data with a smartphone app. This technology provides a convenient way to track insulin dosing and its impact on blood glucose levels.

Can a Smartwatch Measure Blood Sugar (Not CGM)?

No, current smartwatches, as of December 2023, cannot directly measure blood sugar without the use of a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system. While some claim to do so, they rely on tracking other health metrics like heart rate, sleep, and activity levels, which can be indirectly affected by blood sugar fluctuations. However, these methods are not accurate or reliable enough for medical diagnosis or management.

Here’s a breakdown of the current state of blood sugar monitoring on smartwatches:

Direct Measurement:

No current technology: There’s no non-invasive, painless method for smartwatches to directly measure blood sugar levels. Techniques using light or other sensors are still under development and haven’t been proven reliable or approved for medical use.

Indirect Tracking:

Limited accuracy: Some smartwatches and apps track health metrics like heart rate variability (HRV), which can be impacted by blood sugar changes. However, these correlations are weak and influenced by various factors, making them unsuitable for precise blood sugar monitoring.

Not a substitute for traditional methods: Indirect tracking through smartwatches can’t replace traditional finger-prick blood glucose monitoring for accurate diagnosis and diabetes management.

While the future of non-invasive blood sugar monitoring on smartwatches looks promising, it’s still some time away. For now, individuals with diabetes or prediabetes should rely on established methods like finger-prick blood glucose meters and CGM systems for accurate blood sugar monitoring.

Technologies for Non-invasive Glucose Monitoring

The quest for pain-free, non-invasive glucose monitoring has captured the attention of researchers and medical professionals worldwide. While not yet perfected, several promising technologies hold great potential for revolutionizing diabetic care. Here’s a closer look at three major contenders:

1. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS):

Principle: Exploits the unique way glucose molecules absorb specific wavelengths of near-infrared light. NIRS sensors shine light through tissue, measuring the amount absorbed by glucose to estimate blood sugar levels.

Advantages: Non-invasive, painless, continuous monitoring possible.

Challenges: Accuracy can be affected by skin pigmentation, hydration, and other factors. Limited penetration depth restricts measurements of blood sugar in interstitial fluid, which lags behind blood glucose changes. [1]

2. Raman Spectroscopy:

Principle: Analyzes the vibrational fingerprint of molecules using scattered light. By identifying the unique Raman “signature” of glucose, this technique can estimate blood sugar levels.

Advantages: Highly specific, potentially immune to tissue interference.

Challenges: Requires bulky, expensive equipment, limiting portability. Measurements can be slow and sensitive to environmental factors. [2]

3. Bioimpedance Spectroscopy:

Principle: Measures the electrical resistance and reactance of tissue, which are influenced by the concentration of glucose-laden fluids.

Advantages: Relatively simple and inexpensive, it can be integrated into wearable devices.

Challenges: Accuracy can be affected by body composition, hydration, and other factors. Not specifically sensitive to glucose, requiring complex algorithms for blood sugar estimation. [3]

Beyond these, other promising technologies are emerging, such as:

  • Microwave sensors: Detect minute changes in electromagnetic waves caused by glucose molecules.
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT): Creates high-resolution images of tissue layers, potentially revealing glucose-related changes in vasculature.

While each technology has its own strengths and weaknesses, the ultimate goal is to develop a non-invasive glucose monitoring system that is:

  • Accurate and reliable: Providing real-time data that aligns with traditional finger-prick measurements.
  • Convenient and comfortable: Allowing for continuous monitoring without needles or bulky equipment.
  • Affordable and accessible: Making this technology available to all who need it.

The future of non-invasive glucose monitoring is bright, with continuous advancements promising a significant breakthrough in diabetic care. These technologies hold the potential to empower individuals with diabetes to manage their condition more effectively, leading to improved health outcomes and quality of life.

The Challenges of Watch Glucose Testing

The allure of pain-free, on-the-go glucose monitoring directly from your wrist is undeniable. Smartwatch giants like Apple have entered the fray with promises of revolutionizing diabetes management. However, the path to reliable watch-based glucose testing is riddled with challenges, and it’s crucial to understand these hurdles before we strap on that dream tech.

1. Errors in Optical Measurements:

At the heart of the problem lies the inherent limitations of optical sensors. These sensors, embedded in smartwatches, emit light and analyze its interaction with tissues to estimate blood sugar levels. However, several factors can throw off these measurements:

  • Skin variations: Skin pigmentation, melanin levels, and even temporary changes like sweat or lotion application can alter light absorption, leading to inaccurate readings.
  • Motion artifacts: Movement while wearing the watch can disrupt the light path, introducing noise into the readings.
  • Tissue composition: The varying thickness and composition of skin, muscle, and fat layers between the sensor and blood vessels can distort the signal, making it harder to accurately detect glucose levels. [3]

2. The Complexity of Signal Processing:

Even if the raw optical data were perfect, interpreting it into meaningful blood sugar values is no easy feat. The complex interplay of various physiological factors like blood flow, temperature, and hydration influences the optical signal, making it challenging to isolate the specific signature of glucose.

  • Sophisticated algorithms: Researchers are developing intricate algorithms that account for these confounding factors and extract reliable glucose information from the noisy optical data. However, these algorithms are still under development and require extensive validation to ensure accuracy across diverse individuals and situations.
  • Calibration needs: Unlike traditional finger-prick meters that directly measure blood sugar, optical sensors rely on calibration against traditional methods. This adds another layer of complexity and potential error, as calibration accuracy can drift over time and be affected by individual variations. [4]

3. Accuracy of Data Analysis:

Ultimately, the success of watch-based glucose monitoring hinges on the accuracy of data analysis. Even the most sophisticated algorithms and perfectly calibrated sensors won’t matter if the final blood sugar estimates are unreliable.

  • Clinical validation: Rigorous clinical trials involving diverse populations with varying diabetes types and severities are necessary to establish the accuracy and precision of watch-based glucose monitoring systems. These trials need to compare the system’s readings against traditional methods to ensure they meet acceptable clinical standards.
  • Regulatory hurdles: Before reaching your wrist, watch-based glucose monitoring systems need to navigate the regulatory landscape. Regulatory bodies like the FDA will scrutinize the accuracy, safety, and effectiveness of these systems before granting them approval for clinical use. [5]

The Road Ahead:

Despite these challenges, the field of watch-based glucose monitoring is rapidly evolving. Advancements in sensor technology, data processing algorithms, and machine learning are paving the way for more accurate and reliable systems. While we’re not quite there yet, the continuous research and development efforts hold immense promise for the future of diabetes management.

Remember, while the dream of a diabetes-free future fueled by wrist-worn glucose monitors is captivating, it’s crucial to approach these technologies with cautious optimism. Understanding the current limitations and the ongoing efforts to overcome them is key to managing expectations and paving the path for responsible innovation in this exciting field.

To Wrap up

So, currently, there is not a smart watch can monitor our blood sugar, but stay tuned! The future of diabetes management might just be resting on your wrist.

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, relying on traditional methods like finger-prick blood glucose meters and CGM systems is still the best way to accurately monitor your blood sugar levels and manage your condition effectively. Consult your doctor for personalized advice on the best blood sugar monitoring approach for you.


  1. Roldán, María, and Panayiotis A. Kyriacou. 2021. “Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)” Sensors 21, no. 5: 1586.
  2. (n.d.). Raman Spectrometers. Bruker.
  3. (n.d.). Bioimpedance spectroscopy device helps with early detection of unilateral lymphoedema after breast cancer. Building Better Healthcare.
  4. Tang, L., Chang, S. J., Chen, C. J., & Liu, J. T. (2020). Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Technology: A Review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 20(23), 6925.
  5. Agrawal, H., Jain, P., & Joshi, A. M. (2022). Machine learning models for non-invasive glucose measurement: towards diabetes management in smart healthcare. Health and technology, 12(5), 955–970.
  6. Rhee, S. Y., Chon, S., Koh, G., Paeng, J. R., Oh, S., Woo, J. T., Kim, S. W., Kim, J. W., & Kim, Y. S. (2007). Clinical experience of an iontophoresis based glucose measuring system. Journal of Korean medical science, 22(1), 70–73.

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