High blood sugar is a common health problem that impacts countless individuals worldwide. It can affect many facets of our daily life, including sexual activity, if not properly managed.
This article explores the connection between diabetes and sexual health, specifically how blood sugar levels influence ejaculation. It also provides tips for managing blood sugar during intimacy and answers several common questions about diabetes and sex.
Connection Between Blood Sugar Levels and Sex
Blood sugar levels can affect sexual activity regardless of if a person has diabetes or not. Because sex is a kind of exercise, it can typically cause a dip in blood sugar. This drop, also called a hypo, is more likely to happen if someone has a drinking habit before sex. [1]
Not all diabetic patients will have hypos while having sex. But one should check their blood sugar before getting intimate with their partner. They should also have something sugary nearby in case of a hypo. [2]
High blood sugar levels can also harm our nerves and blood vessels. We often refer to this condition as neuropathy. If it occurs, the nerves that control erections will have a problem, and the genitals will get poor blood and nutrient supply. [2-4]
As a result, these diabetic patients can lose sensation in their sex organs and may have difficulty getting aroused. In men, this problem is called sexual dysfunction. [4]

Does Ejaculation Lower Blood Sugar?
Yes, our blood sugar levels may drop after ejaculation!
But this dip in blood sugars is often temporary and has little effect on how our bodies regulate blood sugars. But those with diabetes may have a hypo when they ejaculate after having sex. So they should keep their blood sugars in check.
There are some good evidence that our bodies release several hormones and chemicals when we ejaculate. [5-7] These include:
- dopamine,
- oxytocin,
- vasopressin, and
- testosterone.
Dopamine is the “feel-good” hormone released by our brain when we ejaculate. It calms our bodies and gives us a feeling of pleasure during orgasm.
Oxytocin helps our bodies by lowering insulin resistance, while vasopressin keeps our blood pressure stable.
And testosterone release forces our bodies to make up for the lost quantity, so they take up more glucose from the bloodstream and thus lower blood sugar. [6, 7]
Can Diabetes Affect Me Sexually?
It is very likely for us to have a problem with sex. Sexual problems can happen to anyone at any point during their lifetime, irrespective of if someone is a playboy or a diabetic.
So having diabetes does not mean one will have a problem in their sex life. But studies show that diabetes patients often have more chances of having trouble with sex than those without the condition. [2-4]
Both men and women can have sexual problems due to diabetes. Most men with diabetes usually experience erectile dysfunction and difficulty having orgasms. And women commonly have vaginal dryness and urinary tract infections (UTIs). [3]
Several factors play a role in diabetes-related sexual problems, such as:
- Nerve damage
- Blood vessel blockage
- Hormonal imbalances
- Reduced sexual drive or libido
Low libido, or poor sex drive, is a real sexual health-related issue. Diabetic patients are more inclined to have this problem than those without. It can happen in both sexes and often results from poorly controlled diabetes. [2, 8]
Diabetes alone, however, is not the only factor in low libido. Many things can affect our desire to do sex with our partners, including being stressed, feeling tired, or having poor morale. Certain drugs, specifically antidepressants, can also lower our libido. [9] So one must talk to their doctor if they find their sex drive has stalled.
Tip to Maintain Blood Sugar Level During Sex
Diabetes patients may struggle to maintain stable blood sugar levels while having sex with their partners. They can follow these tips to avoid undue spikes or dips in their blood sugars during sexual activity:
Monitor blood sugar levels
Diabetes patients must check their blood sugar levels before and after sexual activity. They should maintain blood sugars within the normal range to avoid sexual problems. A hypo can occur when blood sugar levels are too low. But if the levels are too high, they may have complications like retrograde ejaculation, premature ejaculation, urological problems, and other sexual issues. [1, 3]
Eat a balanced meal
Having a balanced meal before sex can help diabetic patients to maintain stable blood sugar levels. They should avoid foods high in simple carbs like table sugar, sweets, sugary drinks, and salty snacks. These foods can cause a sudden spike in their blood sugar levels. [10, 11]
Stay hydrated
Diabetic patients are prone to dehydration. Since their cells are insulin resistant, their kidneys flush out the extra blood sugars. Hence, they urinate more than those without, possibly dehydrating themselves. [12] So they should drink plenty of water during a strenuous activity like sex.
Be prepared
Diabetic patients should always have a source of quick-acting glucose nearby, like snacks, glucose tablets or gel, or sweets. They should keep these on hand in case of a low blood sugar episode while having sex.
Be open with your partner
Communication is essential in any relationship, and diabetes is no exception. Diabetic patients should inform their partners about their condition and any problems they may have while having sex. Being open about the issues and working together to solve them can help.
Exercise regularly
Regular exercise can assist diabetic patients in controlling their blood sugar levels. It can also boost their mood, stamina, and libido. All of these are necessary for maintaining good sexual health. [13]
See a specialist
One can still enjoy great sex despite having diabetes. But, for this to happen, they should understand why diabetes affects sex and how managing diabetes can help. Consult with the specialist about how to better manage diabetes and sex life!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can Diabetes be Transmitted Sexually?
No, it cannot be! Diabetes is a pancreas-related metabolic disorder. It has no features of a sexually transmitted infection (STD).
Medical experts believe diabetes has no direct link with STDs. However, uncontrolled diabetes can aggravate the symptoms of STDs, especially in women with vaginal candidiasis. [14]
Does Metformin Affect Libido?
We currently do not have any solid clinical evidence in this regard. Metformin may either affect or enhance libido–and at this time, we cannot say for sure what it does! Some studies claim metformin improves male sexual function, while others claim it causes erectile dysfunction. [4] Women, however, seemed to respond better to metformin than men. [15]
Does Diabetes Give Me Premature Ejaculation or Impotence?
Yes, diabetes may lead to premature ejaculation in men. Because diabetes affects hormonal balance and can cause erectile dysfunction, it can impact male sexual function. However, not everyone with diabetes will have sexual dysfunction. [2-4]
Does Masturbation Lower Blood Pressure?
It is still unclear whether masturbation lowers our blood pressure. We have yet done little to no clinical research on this topic. However, some studies indicate that masturbation may temporarily reduce our blood pressure levels by relaxing our bodies and giving us a sense of pleasure. [16, 17]
Final Thoughts
Overall, the link between sexual problems and blood sugars is complex. And we still need to go a long way before we fully understand this connection. But we can take steps to avoid any undue discomfort during sexual activity.
Having diabetes means one should take extra care to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. They should not hide but address any sexual problems that may arise due to their condition. By working with a doctor or a sex therapist and taking proactive steps, they can have a healthy and satisfying sex life.
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