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 Is Sea Moss Good for Diabetics?

Sea moss, or Irish moss, is a type of seaweed mostly found along the Atlantic coast. You can identify a sea moss because of its fronds, which have a leaf-like structure. It is also distinct because it has a flat shape and reddish brown to dark purple color.

Additionally, sea moss contains many nutrients. For centuries, it has been used by different cultures for its health benefits. This type of seaweed contains iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamins like vitamins A, E, and K.

With this information, it is unsurprising that incorporating sea moss as a supplemental diet could help mediate some conditions.

Current evidence only pertains to seaweed but not exactly sea moss. However, since sea moss is a type of seaweed and both live in the same habitat, the benefits of these studies could still be applied to sea moss. For instance, this research study has shown that seaweed compounds could help manage diabetes, as per this study by Sharifuddin et al. (2015).,

 So, continue to read this article to know the possible benefits of sea moss, its side effects, and its impact on blood sugar.

Potential Health Benefits of Sea Moss for Diabetics

  1. Control of blood sugar levels: According to this study by Kim et al. (2008), sea moss may help regulate blood sugar levels. Research has suggested that sea moss may lower blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which can help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties:  Seaweed, including sea moss, contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce inflammation, as this study by Kang et al. (2008) implied. People with diabetes often suffer from chronic inflammation due to their condition, which can be particularly beneficial for them.
  3. Immune system support:  Sea moss contains many vitamins and minerals that support sound immune system function, as per Ajanth Praveen et al. (2019) findings. So, this can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes, who may be at higher risk of infections and other immune-related health issues.
  4. Optimize digestive health: Fiber in sea moss supports digestive health and prevents constipation, in line with the conclusion of Charoensiddhi et al. (2020). As well as that, sea moss contains carrageenan, a fiber that promotes gut bacterial growth by acting as a prebiotic.

Can Sea Moss Lower My Blood Sugar Level?

Several properties of sea moss can potentially help to reduce blood sugar levels. For example, it contains fiber. In this study by Yu et al. (2014), high fibre content food slows down glucose absorption in the bloodstream, preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.

Additionally, in this study by Lordan et al. (2023), Irish seaweed extracts contain enzymes that may help to increase insulin sensitivity and improve glucose uptake by cells, leading to lower blood sugar levels.

Lastly, according to Food data central, sea moss contains approximately 4% zinc. In this study by Sun et al. (2009), high zinc intake could prevent women from having type 2 diabetes.

However, even though these studies somewhat supported sea moss lowering blood sugar levels, further research should still be conducted to confirm these benefits.

Are there any Side Effects of Eating Sea Moss?

The most common way to consume sea moss is through powdered form supplements and pills/capsules. These supplements contain instructions on the normal dosage. Just as long you follow these instructions and the doctor’s prescription, there will be no side effects when taking sea moss.

What to do If I Eat too much Sea Moss?

The general dosage of sea moss intake is 1 – 2 tablespoons or 4-8 grams per day. And following the usual dosage when you take it as a pill or in a powdered form is vital. Additionally, ensure you are not allergic to sea moss before consuming it to prevent adverse reactions such as:

  1. Stomach upset
  2. Bloating
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Electrolyte imbalance

So, if you ingested too much sea moss, drink plenty of water to flush out the excess sea moss in your system. And if the symptoms persist, seek medical treatment immediately.


Is Sea Moss High in Sugar?

No sea moss in its natural form does not contain any sugar. Sea moss and other types of seaweed have no sugar or fats. According to the Food data central, It contains only ten calories per 2-4 scoops (for powdered form). Protein is 0.5 grams, and the total carbs is only 3 grams. Iron is 7 % of the daily value, Zinc is 4%, and magnesium is 7 %. Due to these values, sea moss is considered a low glycemic index food.

However, some products contain artificial sweeteners in other processed forms of sea moss. So it is better to check the products first and their ingredients so you know what you will put in your body, especially for diabetic patients.

Can Diabetics Take Irish Sea Moss?

Irish Sea Moss can be a suitable dietary supplement for people with diabetes due to its beneficial properties and minerals that help manage blood sugar levels. Additionally, people with diabetes can take Irish sea moss because it contains complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates take longer to digest and do not cause blood sugar spikes. So, it is a good carbohydrate substitute for people with diabetes.

Can I Eat Sea Moss with High Blood Pressure?

Yes. A study conducted by Wada et al. (2011) found that edible seaweed can directly lower blood pressure levels in children. So eating sea moss will be a good diet supplement to keep the heart and blood pressure levels healthy.

Raw Sea Moss and Processed Sea Moss. Which is better for diabetes?

Both types of sea moss are beneficial for diabetes. However, raw sea moss is naturally healthy since it contains no harsh chemicals, and you can get most of its nutrients and minerals.

 But processed sea moss is the most common and easiest way to consume since it has long been converted into a pill or powdered form.

Eventually, the choice of eating raw or processed sea moss will depend on the individual’s preference and a medical professional’s advice.

Can I Eat Sea Moss with High Blood Pressure?

A study conducted by Wada et al. (2011) found that edible seaweed can directly lower blood pressure levels in children. Sea moss contains minerals like Magnesium and Calcium, which help regulate blood pressure to maintain cardiovascular health. So eating sea moss will be a good supplement to keep the heart and blood pressure levels healthy. However, as I’ve said, sea moss is only a supplemental food along with a balanced diet. Supplements must not be taken as a primary diet for managing cardiovascular health and blood pressure.

Final Thoughts

All in all, sea moss and other seaweed are beneficial because of the minerals and vitamins they contain. For people with diabetes, these nutrients help decrease blood sugar, strengthen the immune system, give antioxidant properties, and aid digestion. It also plays a role in managing blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

Sea moss is mainly safe to eat, but following the correct dosage and the advice of a medical professional is strictly essential. While there is evidence that suggests the effects of sea moss, the need for further studies to understand these effects on the human body are needed.

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